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Please enjoy the Claremont Heritage Annual Home Tour featuring seven Claremont homes designed by notable architects Paul Revere Williams, Fred McDowell, Helen Rolph Wren, Jo Paul Rognstad, Robert Hall Orr, Foster Rhodes Jackson and Millard Sheets.

We are excited to offer a truly immersive experience that includes historic content not available at an in-person tour. Historically our annual Home Tour is enjoyed by hundreds of enthusiasts, many who make it a yearly tradition, and some who travel hundreds of miles to enjoy docent led tours of Claremont’s fine inventory of residential architecture. Often there is a theme or particular neighborhood that is explored, bringing new insight to the history of Claremont’s built environment.

Only $35 - for a multi-faceted and intimate experience that you can access for 7 days at your leisure and pace. There will be much added value content such as interviews with homeowners, archival photographs and information not normally available at a "live" Home Tour. Please share this with friends and family even if they are thousands of miles away! The Virtual Home Tour can be accessed from anywhere in the world!