Expired November 15, 2021 4:59 AM
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Mustafa and his wife Salwa are from two Palestinian West Bank villages only 200 meters apart but split by Israel’s separation wall. Mustafa lives on the Palestinian-controlled side of the wall, and Salwa and their children on the Israeli side. One day Mustafa gets the call that his son has been in an accident and is in the hospital. Mustafa will do anything to reach him, and after being denied access through the checkpoint on a technicality, he embarks upon a journey to cross the border illegally. 

  • Year
  • Runtime
    96 minutes
  • Language
    Arabic, Hebrew, English
  • Country
    Palestine, Italy, Switzerland
  • Note
    English Subtitles
  • Director
    Ameen Nayfeh
  • Screenwriter
    Ameen Nayfeh
  • Producer
    May Odeh
  • Cast
    Ali Suliman, Lana Zreik, Samia Bakri, Tawfeeq Nayfeh, Maryam Nayfeh
  • Editor
    Kamal El Mallakh