Expired March 11, 2024 6:59 AM
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The Japanese American wartime incarceration had varied consequences, from how imprisonment negatively impacted health to how baseball helped to create a vibrant sense of normalcy. Featuring panelist Gwenn Jensen, an oral historian and medical anthropologist.

 In a search for answers, the filmmaker discovers how the forced incarceration of Japanese Americans in 1942 led to two deaths in her family. With panelist Gwenn Jensen, Ph.D., an oral historian and medical anthropologist from Colorado.


BARBARA KAGAWA SHORE received a degree in Broadcasting/TV and Film from Cal State Los Angeles. She worked a few years in the industry then left to raise a family. Over four decades later, she picks up the camera again, as a proud senior, to capture stories that need to be told.


DR. GWENN M. JENSEN is a consulting medical anthropologist and oral historian and holds a Ph.D. in anthropology from the University of Colorado at Boulder. Together with Naomi Hirahara, she co-authored “Silent Scars of Healing Hands: Oral Histories of Japanese American Doctors in World War II Detention Camps (2004). She is currently turning her dissertation, which focused on the healthcare and health consequences of the mass incarceration of Japanese Americans, and subsequent research into a manuscript for general publication.

  • Year
  • Runtime
    14 minutes
  • Director
    Barbara Kagawa Shore