In Senegal, the name Omar Blondin Diop evokes an unpunished state crime. In France, this name is associated with the Marxist militant featured in La Chinoise, a political futuristic movie by Jean-Luc Godard. Today in Dakar, Diop’s brothers and close friends remember him while the local youth plays with its own destiny under the imperfect present of the China-Africa connection.
- Year2021
- Runtime110 minutes
- CountryBelgium, France
- PremiereNorth American Premiere
- NoteBrussels, Belgium / France
- FilmmakerVincent Meessen
In Senegal, the name Omar Blondin Diop evokes an unpunished state crime. In France, this name is associated with the Marxist militant featured in La Chinoise, a political futuristic movie by Jean-Luc Godard. Today in Dakar, Diop’s brothers and close friends remember him while the local youth plays with its own destiny under the imperfect present of the China-Africa connection.
- Year2021
- Runtime110 minutes
- CountryBelgium, France
- PremiereNorth American Premiere
- NoteBrussels, Belgium / France
- FilmmakerVincent Meessen