If Anything Happens I Love You is a beautifully illustrated animated short film that takes us on an extraordinary emotional journey of two parents struggling to overcome the hurt left by a tragic event that leaves their family changed forever. The film is a stunning tale that shows the resilience of the human spirit. If Anything Happens I Love You is a touching experience for anyone who has ever loved and lost.
- Year2020
- Runtime12 minutes
- DirectorMichael Govier, Will McCormack
- ScreenwriterMichael Govier, Will McCormack
- ProducerMaryann Garger
- AnimatorYoungran Nho
- ComposerLindsay Marcus
If Anything Happens I Love You is a beautifully illustrated animated short film that takes us on an extraordinary emotional journey of two parents struggling to overcome the hurt left by a tragic event that leaves their family changed forever. The film is a stunning tale that shows the resilience of the human spirit. If Anything Happens I Love You is a touching experience for anyone who has ever loved and lost.
- Year2020
- Runtime12 minutes
- DirectorMichael Govier, Will McCormack
- ScreenwriterMichael Govier, Will McCormack
- ProducerMaryann Garger
- AnimatorYoungran Nho
- ComposerLindsay Marcus