Directed by Euzhan Palcy and starring Donald Sutherland, Susan Sarandon and Marlon Brando, A Dry White Season is a historical drama that follows a white middle class South African suburbanite with no interest in politics who agrees to help his black gardener find his jailed son. His investigation opens his eyes to the horrors committed by the secret police during apartheid and turns him into a target. With A Dry White Season Euzhan Palcy became the first black female director produced by a major Hollywood studio (MGM).
- Year1989
- Runtime116 minutes
- CountrySouth Africa, United States
- DirectorEuzhan Palcy
Directed by Euzhan Palcy and starring Donald Sutherland, Susan Sarandon and Marlon Brando, A Dry White Season is a historical drama that follows a white middle class South African suburbanite with no interest in politics who agrees to help his black gardener find his jailed son. His investigation opens his eyes to the horrors committed by the secret police during apartheid and turns him into a target. With A Dry White Season Euzhan Palcy became the first black female director produced by a major Hollywood studio (MGM).
- Year1989
- Runtime116 minutes
- CountrySouth Africa, United States
- DirectorEuzhan Palcy