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Hunted nearly to extinction by human greed, this mystical creature, the Himalayan musk deer is fast disappearing. Filmmaker Neha Dixit, who has made her home in Uttarakhand, and her team set out to find this elusive creature. Navigating the stunning and challenging landscape of the Indian Himalayas, the film embarks on a journey filled with curiosity and longing to uncover the secrets of these mountains. Their ultimate encounter with the Himalayan musk deer becomes a poignant reminder of the beauty and fragility of our natural world and the urgent need to protect it.

  • Year
  • Runtime
    22 minutes
  • Language
  • Country
  • Genre
    Our Fellow Earthlings
  • Subtitle Language
    English, Kumaoni, Hindi
  • Social Media
  • Director
    Neha Dixit, Roundglass Sustain
  • Producer
    Samreen Farooqui for Roundglass Sustain
  • Cinematographer
    Mandakini Malla, Saket Wahane, Ashhar Farooqui
  • Editor
    Chhoe Films
  • Sound Design
    Ashhar Farooqui
  • Music
    Ashhar Farooqui