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Not too far from Timbuktu, now ruled by religious fundamentalists, Kidane lives peacefully in the dunes with his wife Satima, his daughter Tonya, and Issan, their shepherd. In town, the people suffer, powerless, from the regime of terror imposed by the Jihadists. Music, laughter, cigarettes, even soccer have been banned. The women have become shadows but resist with dignity. Every day, the new improvised courts issue tragic and absurd sentences.

Kidane and his family had been spared the chaos that prevails in Timbuktu, but when their destiny changes abruptly, Kidane must face the new laws of the foreign occupants. 

  • Year
  • Runtime
    96 minutes
  • Language
    Arabic, Bambara, English, French
  • Director
    Abderrahmane Sissako
  • Screenwriter
    Abderrahmane Sissako, Kessen Tall
  • Producer
    Frédérique Dumas-Zajdela, Sylvie Pialat, Étienne Comar
  • Cast
    Ibrahim Ahmed, Toulou Kiki, Layla Walet Mohamed
  • Cinematographer
    Sofian El Fani
  • Editor
    Nadia ben Rachid
  • Production Design
    Sébastian Birchler