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Between light and darkness stands Olfa, a Tunisian woman and the mother of four daughters. One day, her two older daughters disappear. To fill in their absence, the filmmaker Kaouther Ben Hania invites professional actresses and invents a unique cinema experience that will lift the veil on Olfa and her daughters' life stories. An intimate journey of hope, rebellion, violence, transmission and sisterhood that will question the very foundations of our societies.
  • Year
  • Runtime
    108 minutes
  • Language
    Arabic, French, English
  • Country
  • Director
    Kaouther Ben Hania
  • Screenwriter
    Kaouther Ben Hania
  • Producer
    Thanassis Karathanos, Habib Attia, Nadim Cheikhrouha, Martin Hampel
  • Cast
    Olfa Hamrouni, Eya Chikahoui, Tayssir Chikhaoui
  • Cinematographer
    Farouk Laaridh
  • Editor
    Kaouther Ben Hania, Jean-Christophe Hym, Qutaiba Barhamji
  • Production Design
    Bessem Marzouk
  • Sound Design
    Manuel Laval