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The personal becomes universal. A history of America through the story of an immigrant, working-class family that lives through the horrors of the 20th century and raises a son who honors them. This memoir film is told with image, music, and sound by filmmaker and sound designer Hamilton Sterling, renowned guitarist and composer Ralph Towner, and Grammy-winning music producer Jimmy Haslip.

And So Farewell was partially filmed in the small town of Springdale, Pennsylvania, where Rachel Carson, author of Silent Spring, was born.

Screened at the Kongsberg Jazz/Film Festival in Norway, July 7th, 2022 at the Krona Kino movie theater. Here is a link to the festival.

  • Year
  • Runtime
    82 minutes
  • Language
  • Country
    United States
  • Premiere
  • Rating
  • Director
    Hamilton Sterling
  • Producer
    Hamilton Sterling
  • Co-Producer
    Donna Gregory
  • Cinematographer
    Hamilton Sterling
  • Composer
    Ralph Towner, Perotinus
  • Sound Design
    Hamilton Sterling
  • Music
    Jimmy Haslip (music producer), Ralph Towner (guitar & synths), Mark Walker (drums), Katisse Buckingham (alto flute), Fletcher Sheridan (vocals), Rich Breen (music mixer)