2023 AoBFF Streaming Films & Events

'The Forgotten Occupation: Jim Crow Goes to Haiti' - Encore Screening

Expired June 12, 2023 3:59 AM
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The documentary opens with Filmmaker Alain Martin reading a letter to his deceased grandfather. In that letter’s opening, the filmmaker recalls a morose conversation between his grandfather and another familiar member in which they bemoan the chronic troubles of their country, Haiti. They find themselves desperately hoping for an American intervention, seeing it as the only solution for their ravaged nation. Alain reminds his grandfather that the United States had already occupied Haiti and only left it more impoverished. As the letter continues, the brutal decades of the Occupation come to light, betraying the complicated history of a people who, a century ago, looked to the United States for guidance only to find themselves enmeshed in violent clashes of of race, culture and class, resulting in the wholesale theft of their homeland.

  • Year
  • Runtime
    106 minutes
  • Language
  • Country
    United States, Haiti
  • Premiere
    World Premiere
  • Director
    Alain Martin
  • Screenwriter
    Alain Martin
  • Producer
    Hans Augustave, Adele Pham
  • Cast
    Edwige Dandicat