2022 Arkhaios Film Festival

Maya, Ancient Metropolis - Chichen Itza

Expired October 17, 2022 3:59 AM
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The Maya Civilization has baffled historians for centuries with its unprecedented prowess in Math, Astronomy, and Engineering.

All that was left of the Maya seemed to only be the ruins of giant pyramids, but the most recent discoveries from archaeological excavations reveal much more: lost citadels in the Guatemalan jungle found around Tikal, a sacred cenote at Chichen Itza, and underground network of tunnels discovered at Teotihuacan. How were these ancient people able to build such structure, and what was their purpose?

With the development and implication of new technologies (Lidar system and electrical resistivity tomography), we will try to answer the questions raised by these megastructures of stone. Through detailed CGI reconstitution, this series brings to life the Maya people, their gods, and the long lost secrets of their way of life.


Claire Denavarre: Director for more than 15 years, Claire Denavarre has worked on many different documentary projects with production companies such as Doc en stock, La Famiglia, Veilleur de nuit and Phare Ouest.

Fabrice Buysschaert: Director since 2011, Fabrice has worked for more than ten years as a cinematographer and chief editor for major reports and documentaries. He has collaborated with many production companies such as Doc en Stock, Illegitime Défense, Patrick Spica Productions, Kuiv Productions, La Famiglia, Isoëte, Kitchen Factory etc... on behalf of the major historical channels and television.

  • Year
  • Runtime
    50 minutes
  • Language
  • Country
  • Director
    Claire Denavarre, Fabrice Buysschaert
  • Producer
    Matthieu Jean-Toscani, Sophie Jeaneau
  • Executive Producer
    La Famiglia, Kwanza