Available in 27d 17h 39m 28s
Available October 14, 2024 1:00 PM UTC
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What is the magic of rock art? Two veteran archaeologists wonder how best to record Sweden's Bronze Age carvings.

""This film surveys the truly stunning rock art still visible in Sweden, carved by Neolithic artists beginning around 4,000 years ago. The vast number of these rock art sites is threatened with accelerating erasure by weathering. This film describes the ongoing efforts to preserve this artistic heritage by techniques ranging from rubbings on paper to digital reconstruction. Laser recording even captures the detailed and microscopic depth of field of these engravings, and, by repeated re-scanning over time, tracks their erosion from weathering. Why did these ancient Neolithic people make these elaborate, ornate rock carvings? A lot of information lies hidden in the rock art images, but we still lack the key to decrypt it.""

  • Year
  • Runtime
    10 minutes
  • Language
  • Country
  • Director
    Ed Owles, Postcode Films
  • Producer
    Richard Tacon, Birkbeck University London