2024 Arkhaios Film Festival

Ice-Age-Hill... remarkable finds from the island of Jersey

Available in 27d 17h 39m 15s
Available October 14, 2024 1:00 PM UTC
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Not far from the northern French coastline, the small island of Jersey was once, during successive Ice Ages, a rocky hill dominating the vast mammoth steppe.

Several archeological areas on modern-day Jersey reveal the artifacts of Paleolithic nomads: the Neanderthals. The remnants coming to light demonstrate a regular incursion to the Ice-Age-Hill spanning many tens of thousands of years.

This, a first episode documentary film, explores the remarkable island by following the busied researchers in a 'live' on-site style....

Episode 2 in progress for 2024

  • Year
  • Runtime
    23 minutes
  • Language
  • Country
  • Director
    Rob Hope
  • Producer
    Rob Hope, Rob Hope Films