Expired November 23, 2022 7:00 AM
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Jina has not spoken since she was nine. When she was a young girl, she was shocked after watching a video about starvation in Africa. At that moment, her parents continued to have their meal as if it was nothing. After that, she felt distressed and guilty about the unreasonable occurrences in the world, and it made herself harmed. Time has passed, and she meets a man who cannot hear any sound. They quickly become close because the man believes Jina can't hear like him. As they get closer to each other, Jina is overwhelmed by the feeling of guilt, so she confesses she is not deaf. 

  • Year
  • Runtime
  • Language
  • Country
    Korea, Republic of
  • Director
    Sohyeon Lee Park
  • Screenwriter
    Sohyeon Lee Park
  • Producer
    Jinha Kim
  • Cast
    Chaeeun Ahn