On a fateful evening in a cramped alleyway, a happy go lucky puppy named Dash stumbles upon a fearful raccoon and quickly decides he’s her new companion. Through Dash’s can do attitude and gentle nudging, the raccoon slowly gains the confidence to face his fears and sparks a newfound joy in his life. His resolve is put to the test when a hungry fox slinks into the alleyway and attacks the unassuming pair, ultimately injuring them both but allowing them to escape the alleyway and begin their new life exploring the world together.
On a fateful evening in a cramped alleyway, a happy go lucky puppy named Dash stumbles upon a fearful raccoon and quickly decides he’s her new companion. Through Dash’s can do attitude and gentle nudging, the raccoon slowly gains the confidence to face his fears and sparks a newfound joy in his life. His resolve is put to the test when a hungry fox slinks into the alleyway and attacks the unassuming pair, ultimately injuring them both but allowing them to escape the alleyway and begin their new life exploring the world together.