In the enchanting village of Bona, nestled within the coffee-growing hills of Sidama, one home becomes the stage for an intimate exploration of the women and children inside. Dorite, the matriarch; her daughter Mulu; Tigu, Dorite’s granddaughter; and Mita, Mulu’s baby, share the joys and mundanities of everyday life. From dawn till dusk, they labor tirelessly - working the land, cooking food, and tending to livestock. While shared laughter, tender care, and fresh coffee knit them closer together, the weight of their daily burdens strains their unity. As external pressures encroach upon Dorite's household, their familial harmony faces greater threats. Divided into four poignant chapters, each story breathes with the melodies of happiness and sorrow, as the film transcends time, capturing the intricate threads that bind these women to the land, to each other, and to the unspoken essence of motherhood.
- Year2024
- Runtime104 minutes
- LanguageSidamuu Afoo, Sidama
- CountryUnited States, Ethiopia
- PremiereWorld
- Subtitle LanguageEnglish Subtitles
- Social Media
- DirectorCélia Boussebaa
- ProducerCélia Boussebaa, Christopher Hausler, Ryland Shaw
- CastDorite Dotorie, Mulu Solomon Bene, Tigu Dukale, Mita Gatiso, Nae Solomon
- CinematographerChristopher Hausler
- EditorCélia Boussebaa, Christopher Hausler
In the enchanting village of Bona, nestled within the coffee-growing hills of Sidama, one home becomes the stage for an intimate exploration of the women and children inside. Dorite, the matriarch; her daughter Mulu; Tigu, Dorite’s granddaughter; and Mita, Mulu’s baby, share the joys and mundanities of everyday life. From dawn till dusk, they labor tirelessly - working the land, cooking food, and tending to livestock. While shared laughter, tender care, and fresh coffee knit them closer together, the weight of their daily burdens strains their unity. As external pressures encroach upon Dorite's household, their familial harmony faces greater threats. Divided into four poignant chapters, each story breathes with the melodies of happiness and sorrow, as the film transcends time, capturing the intricate threads that bind these women to the land, to each other, and to the unspoken essence of motherhood.
- Year2024
- Runtime104 minutes
- LanguageSidamuu Afoo, Sidama
- CountryUnited States, Ethiopia
- PremiereWorld
- Subtitle LanguageEnglish Subtitles
- Social Media
- DirectorCélia Boussebaa
- ProducerCélia Boussebaa, Christopher Hausler, Ryland Shaw
- CastDorite Dotorie, Mulu Solomon Bene, Tigu Dukale, Mita Gatiso, Nae Solomon
- CinematographerChristopher Hausler
- EditorCélia Boussebaa, Christopher Hausler