Expired December 31, 2023 9:00 PM
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This punk rock fairytale doubles as a portrait of Shoog McDaniel — a fat, queer, and disabled photographer working in and around northern Florida’s vast network of freshwater springs, the state’s source of precious drinking water. For over a decade, Shoog’s photographs have transformed the way fat people view themselves and how a fat phobic society views fat bodies. Bringing Shoog’s photography to life, the film immerses audiences in a world of fat beauty and liberation, one in which marginalized bodies — including bodies of water — are sacred.

  • Year
  • Runtime
    15 minutes
  • Country
    United States
  • Note
    Multitude Films
  • Director
    Sasha Wortzel
  • Producer
    Colleen Cassingham, Jess Devaney, Anya Rous