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A juxtaposition between a couple's first day together vs. the last day of their relationship. It intertwines the two days to show how Max and Hailey look at each other, sit next to each other, kiss each other -- or don't kiss each other. The fear of falling in love is falling out of love. This film explores both.

Director's Bio:

Brendan Beachman is a Colorado native, but has called Los Angeles home since 2009. He specializes in performance heavy, cinematic and stylized comedy, dark comedy and horror. His intense focus on storytelling permeates every project he’s involved in. Brendan currently lives in Santa Monica with his wife and dog, and when not directing, can be found beating the drums or scrambling around the mountains and deserts of California.

  • Runtime
    13 minutes
  • Language
  • Country
    United States
  • Rating
    "PG-13" equivalent
  • Director
    Brendan Beachman
  • Screenwriter
    Kaitlin Mamie
  • Producer
    Kaitlin Mamie
  • Executive Producer
    Brendan Beachman
  • Co-Producer
    Jason Blackman
  • Cast
    Kaitlin Mamie, Patrick McDonald
  • Cinematographer
    Sten Olson
  • Editor
    Brian Jaggers
  • Production Design
    Simone Moscovitch
  • Sound Design
    Dave Graham