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Blending contemporary dance and operatic performance, SWEAT uncovers the raw emotion and haunting reality of women laboring in the global garment industry.

  • Year
  • Runtime
    70 minutes
  • Country
  • Genre
  • Social Media
  • Director
    Jennifer Nichols
  • Producer
    Larissa Koniuk & Jennifer Nichols
  • Cast
    Catherine Daniel, Keith Lam, Larissa Koniuk, Stephanie Tritchew, Caitlin Wood, Justine Owen, Erica Iris, Alex Beley, Cindy Won, Dedra McDermott, Miyeko Ferguson, Carleen Zouboules
  • Cinematographer
    Ash Tailor Jones
  • Composer
    Juliet Pamer, Librettist: Anna Chatterton
  • Music
    Geoffrey Sirett