Expired August 4, 2024 8:00 PM
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Sebastião Bernardes de Souza Prata, Grande Otelo, was one of Brazil's greatest actors and comedians, using the spotlight to shape his own narrative and discuss the institutional racism that haunted him for eight decades, two dictatorships and over a hundred films.

  • Runtime
    83 minutes
  • Language
  • Country
  • Premiere
    North America
  • Social Media
  • Director
    Lucas H. Rossi dos Santos
  • Screenwriter
    Lucas H. Rossi dos Santos
  • Producer
    Ailton Franco Jr.
  • Executive Producer
    Ailton Franco Jr.
  • Co-Producer
    Globo Filmes, Globo News, Canal Brasil, Riofilme, BARAÚNA
  • Cast
    Grande Otelo, Zezé Motta
  • Editor
    Willem Dias - AMC, Lucas H. Rossi dos Santos
  • Sound Design
    Waldir Xavier
  • Music
    Geraldinho Magalhães, Ori Musiclab