BLFF On Demand

Microsoft presents Product Placement & Brand Partnership Strategies

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Hear how product placement really works from industry experts. Microsoft's Jen Buckmaster (Head of Music + Entertainment Partnerships/ Placement team), and Stephanie Dade, (SVP of Global Content & Integration) with the BEN Group (Branded Entertainment Network), will share best practices for forging brand partnerships, including:

  • types of product placement
  • how to engage brands to offset costs
  • what brands look for in Film/ TV, and Music placements
  • how to successfully integrate their products into your content, and more

The information shared will be useful for producers, content creators, writers, set designers, prop masters, costume designers, and artists/musicians alike, as well as brands considering placement opportunities for their products. This panel will be moderated by Melissa Randle (BronzeLens Associate Programmer).