Available in 00d 01h 16m 08s
Available September 20, 2024 11:00 PM UTC
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"Slide" is the tale of a mythical cowboy who appears in a logging town to battle the evil mayor and his equally selfish twin brother, with the aid of his slide guitar and a giant Hellbug.

  • Year
  • Runtime
  • Language
  • Country
    United States
  • Director
    Bill Plympton
  • Screenwriter
    Bill Plympton, Jim Lujan
  • Producer
    Rachel Braga-Jones, Sean Davis, Natasha Villegas-Cordera, Wendy Cong Zhao, Owen Andrejco
  • Cast
    Jim Lujan, Maureen McElheron, Tom Racine, Sasha Odesa, Ana Sophia Colon, Ken Mora, Daniel Kaufman, John Holderried, Simone McAlonen
  • Music
    Maureen McElheron, Hank Bones