The Angst: Building Resilience program is a film-based mental health support program endorsed by educators, psychiatrists and mental health advocates. The film includes interviews with kids, teens, educators, experts and parents. The film and corresponding materials provide tools, resources, and above all, hope.
The Angst: Building Resilience program:
- Directly addresses anxiety, its causes and solutions
- Helps develop long-term resilience, strength and emotional well-being
- Provides strategies and techniques to help deal with mental health challenges
The Angst: Building Resilience program is available to all California public and charter, middle and high schools throughout the 2021-2022 academic year, ending in June 2022.
Do you have questions or need more support on how to best implement this program with your students, staff, or parents? The filmmakers and our service team are hosting weekly zoom calls for you to gain more information and ask any questions on how to roll out the program. Every Wednesday at 3:30 pm PST.
Join Zoom Meeting: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/87987429027?pwd=VkpOZDNEQkQrb2llbGpLdWIxb00zZz09
Meeting ID: 879 8742 9027 Passcode: 575434
Please refer to the How To Implement guide for more information.
For more information and to get the latest program updates, visit Angst: Building Resilience California Statewide Initiative.
The Angst: Building Resilience program, an element of the CalHOPE Student Support Initiative, is made possible across the state of California by:
This program will be expiring December 31st, 2022. To renew visit www.calhopeschools.org.
The Angst: Building Resilience program is a film-based mental health support program endorsed by educators, psychiatrists and mental health advocates. The film includes interviews with kids, teens, educators, experts and parents. The film and corresponding materials provide tools, resources, and above all, hope.
The Angst: Building Resilience program:
- Directly addresses anxiety, its causes and solutions
- Helps develop long-term resilience, strength and emotional well-being
- Provides strategies and techniques to help deal with mental health challenges
The Angst: Building Resilience program is available to all California public and charter, middle and high schools throughout the 2021-2022 academic year, ending in June 2022.
Do you have questions or need more support on how to best implement this program with your students, staff, or parents? The filmmakers and our service team are hosting weekly zoom calls for you to gain more information and ask any questions on how to roll out the program. Every Wednesday at 3:30 pm PST.
Join Zoom Meeting: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/87987429027?pwd=VkpOZDNEQkQrb2llbGpLdWIxb00zZz09
Meeting ID: 879 8742 9027 Passcode: 575434
Please refer to the How To Implement guide for more information.
For more information and to get the latest program updates, visit Angst: Building Resilience California Statewide Initiative.
The Angst: Building Resilience program, an element of the CalHOPE Student Support Initiative, is made possible across the state of California by:
This program will be expiring December 31st, 2022. To renew visit www.calhopeschools.org.