Capri, Hollywood - The International Film Festival

A little fellow: the legacy of A.P. Giannini

Available in 05d 01h 31m 34s
Available December 26, 2024 7:00 PM UTC
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Con la sua Bank of America, Amadeo Peter Giannini, figlio di immigrati italiani negli Usa: compì una vera rivoluzione: aiutare quegli emigrati italiani a cui nessuna banca americana offriva credito. Pescatori, operai, gente umile. Diventò il banchiere del popolo e uno dei più grandi banchieri della storia.

With his Bank of America, Amadeo Peter Giannini, son of Italian immigrants in the U.S.: accomplished a real revolution: helping those Italian immigrants to whom no American bank offered credit. Fishermen, workers, humble people. He became the banker of the people and one of the greatest bankers in history.

  • Year
  • Runtime
  • Language
  • Country
    United States
  • Genre
  • Subtitle Language
  • Director
    Davide Fiore
  • Screenwriter
    Davide Fiore, Joe Mancini
  • Producer
    Anna Laclergue, Sacha Smith, Joe Mancini, Davide Fiore
  • Cast
    Sacha Smith (Voice Over)
  • Cinematographer
    Devindra Sooknanan
  • Editor
    Davide Fiore
  • Production Design
    Sydney Forester
  • Sound Design
    Elliot Holland