Available in 04d 20h 03m 29s
Available December 26, 2024 9:30 PM UTC
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Nel giorno del diciottesimo compleanno della figlia, Tian Ye, un padre noto per i suoi sforzi ben intenzionati ma spesso maldestri, le fa uno speciale "regalo". Mentre padre e figlia affrontano i loro punti di vista opposti, i conflitti e le lotte, si rendono conto che la distanza fisica che presto li separerà non fa che approfondire il loro legame d'amore, che si diffonde e cresce silenziosamente.

On his daughter's 18th birthday, Tian Ye, a father known for his well-meaning but often misguided efforts, gives her a special “gift.” As father and daughter deal with their opposing views, conflicts and struggles, they realize that the physical distance that will soon separate them only deepens their bond of love, which silently spreads and grows.

  • Year
  • Runtime
  • Language
  • Country
  • Genre
    Family, teenager, Youth
  • Subtitle Language
  • Director
    Cindy Xue
  • Screenwriter
    Cindy Xue
  • Producer
    Qingyao Shi
  • Cast
    Zheng Wang, Leyuan Li, Wenxin Zhao, Wenjie Zhao