Available in 05d 18h 10m 43s
Available December 27, 2024 7:15 PM UTC
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Un ladro strappa un pacchetto di pane a un bambino, scatenando un inseguimento in una fitta foresta inseguito da un determinato agente di polizia. Entrambi cadono in una fossa profonda, intrappolati in una situazione inevitabile. Mentre lottano con le loro terribili circostanze, la fame si fa sentire e il pane rubato diventa la loro unica speranza di sostentamento.

A thief snatches a package of bread from a child, triggering a chase through a dense forest pursued by a determined police officer. Both fall into a deep pit, trapped in an unavoidable situation. As they struggle with their dire circumstances, hunger sets in and the stolen bread becomes their only hope for sustenance.

  • Year
  • Runtime
  • Language
  • Country
  • Genre
    Drama, Thriller, Humanity
  • Subtitle Language
  • Director
    Binendra Menon
  • Screenwriter
    Binendra Menon
  • Producer
    Reece Cargan, Gauri Rathes
  • Cast
    Sudhakaran Akhilan, Ajmal Zain