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Join Dr. Kristina Dahl, co-author of the Union of Concerned Scientist's recent report "Killer Heat in the United States: Climate Choices and the Future of Dangerously Hot Days."
Dr. Dahl will review the main findings of the report, the importance of communicating local impacts from climate change, as well as how to use the Union of Concerned Scientists' new tool where you can see an estimated number of extreme heat days for cities and counties in the US in your own local outreach and meetings. We'll also review where you can find the rest of CCL's Local Impacts Resources on CCL Community.
Extreme Heat Report & Tool: https://ucsusa.org/killer-heat
Background on the Analysis (3:14)
About the Heat Index & Scenarios (6:39)
Mid- and Late-Century Projections (7:50)
Takeaways & Tool (12:43)
Questions (15:26)
Finding Local Impacts Resources on CCL Community (18:30)
Tonight’s slides: cclusa.org/extreme-heat
CCL Resource: https://community.citizensclimate.org...
Follow us on Facebook: http://facebook.com/citizensclimatelobby
Twitter: http://twitter.com/citizensclimate/
Join Dr. Kristina Dahl, co-author of the Union of Concerned Scientist's recent report "Killer Heat in the United States: Climate Choices and the Future of Dangerously Hot Days."
Dr. Dahl will review the main findings of the report, the importance of communicating local impacts from climate change, as well as how to use the Union of Concerned Scientists' new tool where you can see an estimated number of extreme heat days for cities and counties in the US in your own local outreach and meetings. We'll also review where you can find the rest of CCL's Local Impacts Resources on CCL Community.
Extreme Heat Report & Tool: https://ucsusa.org/killer-heat
Background on the Analysis (3:14)
About the Heat Index & Scenarios (6:39)
Mid- and Late-Century Projections (7:50)
Takeaways & Tool (12:43)
Questions (15:26)
Finding Local Impacts Resources on CCL Community (18:30)
Tonight’s slides: cclusa.org/extreme-heat
CCL Resource: https://community.citizensclimate.org...
Follow us on Facebook: http://facebook.com/citizensclimatelobby
Twitter: http://twitter.com/citizensclimate/