Available in 28d 23h 38m 18s
Available February 24, 2025 7:01 AM UTC
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6 films in package
Against the Herd
Almost a century of overgrazing has destroyed much of America's public lands, but in Northern Nevada, Cottonwood Ranch has discovered that cattle can actually be the key to restoring our rangelands. Now the Smith family must convince legislators that cows aren't always eco-villains, or they're sure to lose their land.
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Amazing Beeches
Beech trees are quite amazing, but sadly their very existence is at risk, as you'll discover in this 3-minute film. They may not be around much longer, so appreciate them while you can.
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Here The Wild Things Are
A playful yet poignant exploration of a global competition to discover urban wildlife, questioning if snapshots can help save the planet.
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The Straight Poop
The Straight Poop is an entertaining way of addressing the dangers of climate change that educates in a non-threatening comical way and presents some surprising information that should inspire and motivate viewers.
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To Know a Place
David Inouye has returned to the same high alpine meadows for the past fifty-two years to study wildflowers and hummingbirds. This film follows David, his son, and his granddaughter, through a season of summer research. An intimate look at the connection between place and identity, this film is a meditation on time and the intergenerational experience of change.
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Welcome Home
Welcome Home celebrates the incredible story of wolf reintroduction to Colorado. When the people of Colorado voted to return wolves to the state, they set in motion a unique conservation success story.
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$15After this content becomes available February 24th at 7:01 am UTC, you'll have 6 days 23 hours to start watching. Once you begin, you'll have 7 days to finish watching. Need help?

Featured Films (in alphabetical order):

  • A Journey to Zero-Carbon (OC)
  • Drylands Agroecology Research - A NatureRx production (CC)
  • Freetown: Cooling a City (OC)
  • Growing Culture - Seed Farming in the Front Range of Colorado (CC)
  • In Pursuit of Passive (CC)
  • Les Matérialistes (CC)

Total run time: 87 minutes

The Straight Poop is an entertaining way of addressing the dangers of climate change that educates in a non-threatening comical way and presents some surprising information that should inspire and motivate viewers.

  • Year
  • Runtime
    5 minutes
  • Language
  • Country
    United States
  • Premiere
  • Social Media
  • Director
    Sue Orloff
  • Screenwriter
    Sue Orloff, Ann Kelly
  • Producer
    Sue Orloff
  • Cast
    Evan Widjaja, Ted Smith, Chuck Kourouklis