Available for In-Person and Virtual Attendance.
In-Person Event: 108 St. John's College, 92 Dysart Rd, University of Manitoba
Registering to attend is not necessary, but appreciated! Please email labssa@umanitoba.ca to RSVP
Trickster activists the Yes Men collaborate with Clean Clothes Campaign and Berlin fashion designers to orchestrate an elaborate hoax announcement in an effort to improve conditions for garment workers and sustainability in the Adidas supply chain. Then they stage a shocking and hilarious fashion show at the opening of Berlin Fashion Week that makes the world pay attention to labor and environmental abuses that the mega-brand is trying to hide.
This video documents a brilliant “performance-intervention”. A fake fashion show during fashion
week in NYC that fools all the fashionistas. It’s a cool critique of the labour conditions that
underlie the Adidas brand in Cambodia. The Clean Clothes Campaign approached The Yes
Men, who put together this event with the help of a design team, Threads and Tits. The result of
this ruse is that Adidas has to publicly admit they are not making ethical changes to it’s Brand.
It’s a must-see to believe it. You won’t forget it.
Available for In-Person and Virtual Attendance.
In-Person Event: 108 St. John's College, 92 Dysart Rd, University of Manitoba
Registering to attend is not necessary, but appreciated! Please email labssa@umanitoba.ca to RSVP
Trickster activists the Yes Men collaborate with Clean Clothes Campaign and Berlin fashion designers to orchestrate an elaborate hoax announcement in an effort to improve conditions for garment workers and sustainability in the Adidas supply chain. Then they stage a shocking and hilarious fashion show at the opening of Berlin Fashion Week that makes the world pay attention to labor and environmental abuses that the mega-brand is trying to hide.
This video documents a brilliant “performance-intervention”. A fake fashion show during fashion
week in NYC that fools all the fashionistas. It’s a cool critique of the labour conditions that
underlie the Adidas brand in Cambodia. The Clean Clothes Campaign approached The Yes
Men, who put together this event with the help of a design team, Threads and Tits. The result of
this ruse is that Adidas has to publicly admit they are not making ethical changes to it’s Brand.
It’s a must-see to believe it. You won’t forget it.