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Audio : Français

Sous-titres : English/Italiano

Durée : 90 minutes

Avide de pentes raides, Marco Siffredi (1979-2002) n'obéissait qu'à une seule règle : ne pas chuter. Ce gamin surdoué aux cheveux tantôt blonds peroxydés, verts ou bleus détonnait dans sa vallée : Chamonix, Mecque de l'alpinisme. Son truc à lui, c'était monter pour descendre en snowboard. James Dean de la montagne ou Petit Prince de la glisse ? Aucune étiquette ne lui collait à la peau. Sa raison de vivre, il la trouvait aux limites de la verticalité, du massif du Mont-Blanc à l'Everest, sur des neiges vierges qui avaient son âge. Il voulait vivre en live ses rêves d'aventures avec la montagne pour seule juge.


8th September 2002, the 23 year old Marco Siffredi is clipped in to his snowboard standing on top of the world at 8 848 m altitude on the summit of Mt. Everest. He starts his descent down 50° slopes of the Horbein couloir. Already a year earlier, Marco was the first to snowboard down Everest but there was still this new couloir to take on…the most direct route down. However this time, on his way down from the top of the world, the support team lose all trace of him…Bertrand Delapierre, his friend, has opened up his archives to give us this portrait of an exceptional young man. This story is very different from the usual snowboarding film clichés.

This box contains le documentary "Marco, Shooting Star" directed by Bertrand Delapierre, in its 90 minutes original version with english and italian subtitles available. The DVD comes with a 84 pages booklet in French, with new testimonies and some of his most beautiful photographies.


Desideroso di pendii ripidi, Marco Siffredi (1979-2002) obbediva a una sola regola: non cadere. Questo ragazzo dotato di capelli a volte biondi ossigenati, verdi o blu, non si sentiva a casa nella sua valle: Chamonix, la Mecca dell'alpinismo. La sua caratteristica era quella di salire per scendere con lo snowboard. Era il James Dean delle montagne o il Piccolo Principe dello snowboard? Nessuna etichetta gli è stata appiccicata. La sua ragione di vita l'ha trovata ai limiti della verticalità, dal massiccio del Monte Bianco all'Everest, sulla neve vergine della sua età. Voleva vivere i suoi sogni di avventura con la montagna come unico giudice.

  • Language
    French, English
  • Country
  • Director
    Bertrand Delapierre
  • Producer
    Seven Doc
  • Cast
    Jean Marc Galera
  • Composer
    Mike Martinet, Dominique Ruggiero