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When Rosamund interviews famous DC philanthropist, Jasper, for her blog, she discovers the cost is more than what she bargained for.

Director Statement

As a screenwriter, director, psychotherapist, and classical musician, it is my passion to bring mental health awareness through storytelling. As a lover of film noir and 20th century cinema, my art tends to have a nostalgic aesthetic.

Cold was inspired by a question I pondered: Are our true selves only revealed when we believe no one is watching? I wanted to create a story that processed this question on the screen.

Director Biography - Kim Machado

Kim Machado is a licensed Psychotherapist, and she treats Trauma Disorders, Dissociative Disorders, and Eating Disorders. Member of The International Society for the Study of Trauma and Dissociation and EMDR (Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing) trained, Ms. Machado counsels her patients by day and enjoys writing at night. Ms. Machado has been writing all her life but enrolled at the Player’s Conservatory founded by Sean Maguire in 2021. Ms. Machado completed the mentorship program for screenwriting as the mentee of Dan Hoffman for screenwriting, November of 2023. A lifelong classical musician, Ms. Machado seeks to incorporate her love of classical music in the score of her films, including branching out through her original arrangements and compositions.

  • Year
  • Runtime
    16 minutes
  • Language
  • Country
    United States
  • Director
    Kim Machado
  • Screenwriter
    Kim Machado
  • Cast
    Dave Gamble, Chara Bauer, Prethi John