Expired September 23, 2023 3:45 AM
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Ivey-Camille Manybeads Tso follows the trail of extractive industries that have exploited the land where she was born. She travels to the La Guajira region in rural Colombia, the Tampakan region of the Philippines, the Tehuantepec Isthmus of Mexico, and the protests at Standing Rock. In each case, she meets Indigenous women leading the struggle against the same corporations that are causing displacement and environmental catastrophe in her own home. Inspired by these women, Ivey-Camille brings home the lessons from these struggles to the Navajo Nation.

The film begins in Navajo Nation, where Ivey-Camille joins friends of hers - Cody, Selest and MT - who have founded a group called Indigenous Youth for Cultural Survival. The group collaborates with Kim and Makai, Navajo activists who have documented the chemical companies that have contaminated the land, including BHP and Peabody Coal.

In La Guajira, Ivey-Camille visits the Indigenous communities displaced by the largest coal mine in Latin America, co-owned by BHP and Glencore. In a meeting at the mine, community members’ concerns are dismissed by mine executives.

BHP and Glencore are also active in The Philippines, the deadliest place in the world to be a defender of the earth. Ivey-Camille sees the risks first-hand, meeting with the families of those killed by soldiers, and seeing protests at the gates of Glencore. In one of the most striking scenes in the film, Ivey-Camille meets with communist guerilla soldiers who are also resisting mining.

The threads of resistance combine at the 2016 protests at Standing Rock, where Kim, Makai, and Ivey-Camille join with a united Indigenous movement.

From there, she travels to Oaxaca, Mexico, where she learns that even a green energy source, like wind power, can be harmful if it is done without consent and cooperation from Indigenous communities.

These lessons come home to Navajo Nation as the Indigenous Youth for Cultural Survival join with Kim and Makai to create art and convene a cultural gathering. The film ends on the steadfast resistance of Navajo elders, fighting colonialism by refusing to leave their land.

  • Year
  • Runtime
  • Language
    English & Jamaican Patois
  • Awards
    Best Documentary, Red Nation International Film Festival; Best Feature, American Indian Film Festival; Best Director/Inspiration Award, Fist Up Film Festival; Best Cinematography, Tacoma Film Festival; Best Environmental Film, Arizona International Film Festival