Expired January 17, 2023 8:00 AM
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ON THE WINGS OF EAGLES: A 3-Event Program Focusing on the Ethiopian Jewish Community

This January, the IJWC will present two films and an interview that focus on the Beta Yisrael (Ethiopian Jewish community) in Israel. Due to several government-assisted rescue operations, Israel is home to the largest Ethiopian Jewish community in the world.


As of March 2022, approximately 160,500 Ethiopian Jews live in Israel. Most of the community immigrated in three major waves assisted by the government of Israel:

·      Operation Moses (1984) and its immediate follow-up in January 1985, Operation Joshua

·      Operation Solomon (1991).

The community is also made up of the Falash Mura, Ethiopian Jews who because of persecution and political pressure had converted to Christianity during the past two centuries.

In this fascinating short documentary directed by Vered Bermen, we meet the Ethiopian Israeli dancer Tzivka Iskias.  This 2002 film reveals the young man's home life and his trip to the prestigious Alvin Ailey summer intensive in NYC during which he hopes to be selected to join their professional team. The film also tells the story of Tzivka's losing his mother on the family's long trek to Sudan several decades ago on their first leg of their aliyah, as well as his troubled childhood in "at risk" juvenile schools. Today, Tzivka is well-known in Israel for his intense and versatile dancing style as well as for his acting. We will interview him via zoom to learn about his life and career since the documentary was first made.

For tickets to this 3-Event Program: https://watch.eventive.org/eastbayjewishfilmyearround/play/6361986de9d8e0006141b6b7

Sponsored by EBIJFF in partnership with the CCJCC, Cong. B'nai Shalom, Cong. B'nai Tikvah, Diablo Valley Hadassah and the Consulate General of Israel to the Pacific Northwest.

Underwriters include the Goodman Family Supporting Foundation and the Consulate General of Israel.

  • Year
  • Runtime
    55 minutes
  • Language
    Hebrew, Amharic, English
  • Country
  • Director
    Vered Berman
  • Producer
    Vered Berman
  • Cast
    Tzvika Iskias, Odelia Cooperberg
  • Editor
    Ora Maymon Pilevsky, Dvora Ben Israel
  • Sound Design
    Noam Elimelech, Yacov Yanai