Expired October 26, 2020 6:45 AM
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We are witnessing the 6th Mass Extinction of our planet, and it is accelerating faster than most scientists predicted. We are loosing about 200 species a day. Global industrial pollution is killing over 9 million people a year, through bad air and water.

Since the Industrial revolution began over 200 years ago, the petrol, chemical, military, agra-businesses have been burning fossil fuels, and spewing all manner of deadly chemicals into our ecosystem. The Earth's surface is the hottest it has been in at least 120,000 years. A cascade of atmospheric and environmental events, including feedback loops, are accelerating the rate of further warming.

We are in an extinction emergency, and if we do not act, there may not be a tomorrow.

  • Year
  • Runtime
  • Language
  • Country
    United States
  • Director
    Gary Null, PhD, Valerie Van Cleve
  • Screenwriter
    Richard Gale, Gary Null
  • Producer
    Valerie Van Cleve
  • Executive Producer
    Gary Null Ph.D.
  • Cinematographer
    Roland Marconi
  • Editor
    Valerie Van Cleve