This engaging, eccentric documentary follows the young, ambitious 18-year-old Sámi rapper phenom Mihkku Laiti, who lives in the northernmost corner of Sámiland. Following Mihkku on his journey towards a career as a musician and his unlikely rise to stardom, this is a truly unique coming-of-age story. In addition to charming the crowd at the Talent Finland competition and proudly wearing the traditional Sámi clothing he has styled himself, rapping in Sámi harmonies, and designing his own branding on his computer, Mihkku is also a master of the time-honoured and demanding skill of herding reindeer. In the accelerated swirl of 21st-century media-saturated modernity, Mihkku sees his Sámi roots and the Sámi language as his greatest strengths. The future that lies before him is uncertain, though, as he must ponder whether to follow in his father’s footsteps or to go hard after his dream to become an international rap star.
- Year2023
- Runtime75 minutes
- LanguageFinnish, Northern Sami
- CountryFinland
- Subtitle LanguageEnglish
- DirectorPetteri Saario
- ScreenwriterMatti Näränen, Petteri Saario
- ProducerPetteri Saario, Tiina Saario
- CastMihkku Laiti
This engaging, eccentric documentary follows the young, ambitious 18-year-old Sámi rapper phenom Mihkku Laiti, who lives in the northernmost corner of Sámiland. Following Mihkku on his journey towards a career as a musician and his unlikely rise to stardom, this is a truly unique coming-of-age story. In addition to charming the crowd at the Talent Finland competition and proudly wearing the traditional Sámi clothing he has styled himself, rapping in Sámi harmonies, and designing his own branding on his computer, Mihkku is also a master of the time-honoured and demanding skill of herding reindeer. In the accelerated swirl of 21st-century media-saturated modernity, Mihkku sees his Sámi roots and the Sámi language as his greatest strengths. The future that lies before him is uncertain, though, as he must ponder whether to follow in his father’s footsteps or to go hard after his dream to become an international rap star.
- Year2023
- Runtime75 minutes
- LanguageFinnish, Northern Sami
- CountryFinland
- Subtitle LanguageEnglish
- DirectorPetteri Saario
- ScreenwriterMatti Näränen, Petteri Saario
- ProducerPetteri Saario, Tiina Saario
- CastMihkku Laiti