Synopsis: Yingying Zhang, a 26-year-old Chinese student and aspiring scientist, comes to the U.S. to study, but within weeks of her arrival, she disappears from campus. The film closely follows the journey of Yingying’s family as they search to unravel the mystery of her disappearance and seek justice for their daughter while navigating a strange, foreign country. But most of all, Finding Yingying is the story of a talented young woman who loved by her family and friends.
Directed by Jiayan "Jenny" Shi, U.S.A., 2020, 98 mins.
- Year2020
- Runtime98 minutes
- CountryUnited States
- DirectorJiayan "Jenny" Shi
Synopsis: Yingying Zhang, a 26-year-old Chinese student and aspiring scientist, comes to the U.S. to study, but within weeks of her arrival, she disappears from campus. The film closely follows the journey of Yingying’s family as they search to unravel the mystery of her disappearance and seek justice for their daughter while navigating a strange, foreign country. But most of all, Finding Yingying is the story of a talented young woman who loved by her family and friends.
Directed by Jiayan "Jenny" Shi, U.S.A., 2020, 98 mins.
- Year2020
- Runtime98 minutes
- CountryUnited States
- DirectorJiayan "Jenny" Shi