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Frank Ferrante is 54, weighs 290lbs., had a lifetime of drug & alcohol abuse and as a result contracted Hepatitis-C. He's on multiple medications including anti-depressants, undergoing chemo and drinks 10 espressos a day to stay awake. One day Frank stumbles into Cafe Gratitude, a Raw food café in San Francisco, and meets Ryland, the café's manager. Ryland asks Frank, what is one thing you'd like to do before you die? Frank answers "I want to fall in love one more time, but with a body like this, no one will love me, because I don't love myself." Watch as Ryland, his brother Cary and best friend Conor, help Frank take on his weight, health, relationships and loving himself in just 42 days.

  • Year
  • Runtime
    87 minutes
  • Language
  • Country
    United States
  • Director
    Gregg Marks, Cary Mosier, Conor Gaffney, Ryland Engelhart
  • Screenwriter
    Gregg Marks
  • Producer
    Cary Mosier, Conor Gaffney, Ryland Engelhart
  • Executive Producer
    Mollie Engelhart & Tim Ryan
  • Cast
    Frank Ferrante, Matthew Engelhart, Cary Mosier, Conor Gaffney, Ryland Engelhart
  • Cinematographer
    Cary Mosier, Conor Gaffney, Gregg Marks
  • Editor
    Gregg Marks & Kyle Parker
  • Music
    Jason Mraz, Various Artists