A Swazi girl embarks on a dangerous quest to rescue her young twin brothers. This animated African tale is born in the imaginations of five orphaned children in Eswatini who collaborate to tell a story of perseverance drawn from their darkest memories and brightest dreams. Their fictional character’s journey is interwoven with poetic documentary scenes to create a genre-defying celebration of the transformative power of collective storytelling.
- Year2017
- Runtime77 minutes
- LanguageEnglish, SiSwati
- CountrySwaziland, United States, Qatar
- DirectorAaron Kopp, Amanda Kopp
- ProducerAmanda Kopp, Aaron Kopp, Daniel Junge, Sakheni Dlamini, Davis, Coombe
- Executive ProducerThandiwe Newton, Susan MacLaury, Albie Hecht, Lisa Schejola Akin
- CastGcina Mhlophe
- EditorAaron Kopp, Davis Coombe
- AnimatorShof Coker
- Sound DesignMatthew Polis
- MusicPhilip Miller
A Swazi girl embarks on a dangerous quest to rescue her young twin brothers. This animated African tale is born in the imaginations of five orphaned children in Eswatini who collaborate to tell a story of perseverance drawn from their darkest memories and brightest dreams. Their fictional character’s journey is interwoven with poetic documentary scenes to create a genre-defying celebration of the transformative power of collective storytelling.
- Year2017
- Runtime77 minutes
- LanguageEnglish, SiSwati
- CountrySwaziland, United States, Qatar
- DirectorAaron Kopp, Amanda Kopp
- ProducerAmanda Kopp, Aaron Kopp, Daniel Junge, Sakheni Dlamini, Davis, Coombe
- Executive ProducerThandiwe Newton, Susan MacLaury, Albie Hecht, Lisa Schejola Akin
- CastGcina Mhlophe
- EditorAaron Kopp, Davis Coombe
- AnimatorShof Coker
- Sound DesignMatthew Polis
- MusicPhilip Miller