Films That Move by The Redford Center

399: Queen of the Tetons

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Join us to experience an exciting virtual film series brought to you by The Redford Center, a leading US nonprofit dedicated to environmental impact filmmaking. We are proud to present a special Redford Center Films That Move experience – a free screening series that is packed with inspiring content to move you and your community into action.

For nearly two decades, Grizzly 399 has been a fixture in Grand Teton National Park. Known only by her research number, 399 has captivated photographers since 2007, becoming the world's most famous — and photographed — grizzly in the world. The film follows 399 as she struggles to raise her cubs in the face of human encroachment, a rapidly changing climate, and threat of losing her protection under the Endangered Species Act.

  • Year
  • Runtime
    87 minutes
  • Language
  • Director
    Elizabeth Leiter
  • Producer
    Elizabeth Leiter