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A fictionalized short film based on the true story of the terrifying daring escape of Henry "Box" Brown, an enslaved man who used creativity to escape from slavery in 1849 by mailing himself to freedom.

  • Year
  • Runtime
    6 minutes
  • Language
  • Country
    United States
  • Director
    Wanjiru Njendu
  • Screenwriter
    Wanjiru Njendu
  • Producer
    Wanjiru Njendu
  • Co-Producer
    Bongani Mlambo
  • Filmmaker
    Wanjiru Njendu
  • Cast
    Adetokumboh M'Cormack, Peres Owino, Gregor Manns, William Joseph Hill, Emerson Gregori, Mikey Kettinger
  • Cinematographer
    Bongani Mlambo
  • Editor
    Hanna Sturwold
  • Production Design
    Brittany Ingram, Makenzi Jordan