The World is Watching, Listening. But the World Needs to Do Something.
“I heard people chanting, coming down the street and I realized something was happening. They were shouting ‘Libertad! Libertad! Libertad! Freedom! Freedom! Freedom!’ I couldn’t believe that this was actually happening.” So Cuba finally confronts its divide: a country populated with pro-government citizens gripping the memory of the 62-year old Revolution with white knuckles, and populated with citizens tired of living the day-to-day unfulfilled promises of an oppressive government that wholly relies on the ghost of a romanticized dictator.
After many long years of food shortages, dilapidated buildings, increasing wealth gaps, and strictly suppressed political unrest, Cuba has reached a boiling point. Thousands have taken to the streets in an unprecedented eruption of protest, crying out for their basic human right to freedom.
Though the Cuban government has shut down Internet access in light of these recent protests, a brave individual has found a way to offer testimony. They allow the world a rare window into daily Cuban life and the human rights violations taking place.
These recollections are interspersed with poetry from respected Cuban poet Jorge Enrique Gonzalez Pacheco as well as stirring imagery of the island from various sources; both, tragic in their beauty and insistent in their relatability.
Ellos Gritan Libertad is a wake-up call for the world, dispelling the grand illusions spun by the Cuban government with the voices of the Cuban people themselves. Voices that have been silenced for too long, that now cry ‘Patria y Vida!’ (Homeland and Life). This humanitarian film seeks to convey the experience of the Cuban people through their own personal stories and through the arts; from poetry to music.
The World is Watching, Listening. But the World Needs to Do Something.
“I heard people chanting, coming down the street and I realized something was happening. They were shouting ‘Libertad! Libertad! Libertad! Freedom! Freedom! Freedom!’ I couldn’t believe that this was actually happening.” So Cuba finally confronts its divide: a country populated with pro-government citizens gripping the memory of the 62-year old Revolution with white knuckles, and populated with citizens tired of living the day-to-day unfulfilled promises of an oppressive government that wholly relies on the ghost of a romanticized dictator.
After many long years of food shortages, dilapidated buildings, increasing wealth gaps, and strictly suppressed political unrest, Cuba has reached a boiling point. Thousands have taken to the streets in an unprecedented eruption of protest, crying out for their basic human right to freedom.
Though the Cuban government has shut down Internet access in light of these recent protests, a brave individual has found a way to offer testimony. They allow the world a rare window into daily Cuban life and the human rights violations taking place.
These recollections are interspersed with poetry from respected Cuban poet Jorge Enrique Gonzalez Pacheco as well as stirring imagery of the island from various sources; both, tragic in their beauty and insistent in their relatability.
Ellos Gritan Libertad is a wake-up call for the world, dispelling the grand illusions spun by the Cuban government with the voices of the Cuban people themselves. Voices that have been silenced for too long, that now cry ‘Patria y Vida!’ (Homeland and Life). This humanitarian film seeks to convey the experience of the Cuban people through their own personal stories and through the arts; from poetry to music.