On the Trail of Democracy...in Iceland
The Icelandic revolution, also known as the “Pots and Pans Revolution”, occurred in October 2008 in Iceland. It was rooted in the context of the subprime financial crisis when, in less than a month, the country’s three main banks declared bankruptcy. From this protest emerged an unprecedented process: the drafting of a new Constitution based on participatory democracy, which utilized methods such as random selection, online participation, citizen debates, elections, and more.
It is this citizen initiative that Alix, Ali, and Steve wanted to highlight. To understand the process, they set out to meet the main players of the revolution and the Icelandic citizens at the heart of this approach, who brought an entire country together around a common project, investing themselves to improve their democracy.
On the Trail of Democracy...in Iceland
The Icelandic revolution, also known as the “Pots and Pans Revolution”, occurred in October 2008 in Iceland. It was rooted in the context of the subprime financial crisis when, in less than a month, the country’s three main banks declared bankruptcy. From this protest emerged an unprecedented process: the drafting of a new Constitution based on participatory democracy, which utilized methods such as random selection, online participation, citizen debates, elections, and more.
It is this citizen initiative that Alix, Ali, and Steve wanted to highlight. To understand the process, they set out to meet the main players of the revolution and the Icelandic citizens at the heart of this approach, who brought an entire country together around a common project, investing themselves to improve their democracy.