2021 FVNMAS Festival - Program 2 - The Ties That Bind

Expired May 18, 2021 4:59 AM
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10 films in package
Christabel lies asleep with open eyes and dreaming fearfully of the lady who knelt at the old oak tree.
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Sofí­a Alfaro Q & A
Sofía Alfaro discusses Christabel with Amy Beste (Director of Public Programming for FVNMA) and Frédéric Moffet (Department Chair, FVNMA).
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Everyone Told Me Not to Make This
When faced with trauma and family baggage, I turn to the camera in a vlog and diary confessional style to document my experience, and to tell my story.
Emilie Q & A
Emilie discusses Everyone Told Me Not to Make This with Amy Beste (Director of Public Programming for FVNMA) and Frédéric Moffet (Department Chair, FVNMA).
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Flight Risk
This is a story about three old friends that have gone their separate ways and come back together out of necessity. It is about who is there for you at your ugliest, most desperate and when you feel the least like you deserve it.
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Sophia Pierre Q & A
Sophia Pierre discusses Flight Risk with Amy Beste (Director of Public Programming for FVNMA) and Frédéric Moffet (Department Chair, FVNMA).
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Plastic Confessions
“Plastic Confessions” explores a mother-daughter dynamics during a meandering car ride through the desert.
Emily C Anshen Q & A
Emily C Anshen discusses Plastic Confessions with Amy Beste (Director of Public Programming for FVNMA) and Frédéric Moffet (Department Chair, FVNMA).
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Peach Blossom Spring
A young girl entered the illusory place called Peach Blossom Spring and started her adventure there.
Tiya Yuan Q & A
Tiya Yuan discusses Peach Blossom Spring with Amy Beste (Director of Public Programming for FVNMA) and Frédéric Moffet (Department Chair, FVNMA).
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The Ties That Bind

Various directors, USA, 2021, 65 min

May 11 - 17

Performance, video diaries, and the supernatural combine in this striking collection of shorts, featuring stories of enchantment, trauma, and resilience through the building and severing of bonds.


On a snowy Chicago night, lone Christabel finds herself wandering through the woods in a search for answers. Through a collection of rapidly flashing images of a scared and wounded girl, Christabel acts on a whim and offers Geraldine shelter for the night. We follow the girls’ journey home and, once inside, illusory and surreal bilateral windows guide us through a paralytic trance that ends in Christabel’s undoing. We are left with the girls to will themselves out of the darkness and into existence.

  • Year
  • Runtime
    11 minutes
  • Language
  • Country
    United States
  • Director
    Sofía Alfaro
  • Filmmaker
    Sofía Alfaro
  • Cast
    Katherine Hemsworth (Christabel), Lily Linz (Geraldine)
  • Cinematographer
    Zoha Hussnein
  • Production Design
    Iris Stratman
  • Composer
    Eric Mayer
  • Sound Design
    David Karisny
  • Music
    Eric Mayer