The Guardian of Memory

The Guardian of Memory at the Cinema Arts Centre

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The Guardian of Memory tells the stories of Mexican men, women, and children seeking safety in the US. Carlos Spector, an El Paso immigration lawyer, fights tirelessly to obtain political asylum for Mexicans fleeing extreme violence. This is the story about the kindness and hope that still exists in people who have endured tremendous suffering.

  • Year
  • Runtime
    90 minutes
  • Language
  • Country
  • Director
    Marcela Arteaga
  • Screenwriter
    Marcela Arteaga
  • Producer
    Fabián Hofman
  • Executive Producer
    Pravda Arredondo
  • Cast
    Carlos Spector
  • Cinematographer
    Axel Pedraza
  • Editor
    Javier Campos
  • Production Design
    André Krassoievitch, Paula Caso, Iván Krassoievitch
  • Composer
    Álvaro Ruiz Mayagoitia