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Stream began October 13, 2023 2:30 PM UTC
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1 livestream in package

The fine line - how activist can journalists be?

Journey through the transformative chapters of the International Documentary Film Festival Amsterdam (IDFA) alongside its founder and long-term director, Ally Derks. From its inception as a niche gathering to its present-day prominence as the world's leading documentary film festival, Ally offers firsthand insights into IDFA's growth and significance. Delve deep into the festival's role as a pivotal industry forum and marketplace, shaping the global documentary narrative. Ally will share her perspectives on the evolution of film selection, emphasizing the artistic values and importance of documentaries in mirroring society's facets. Additionally, she will shed light on the essential interactions between filmmakers and audiences, fostering enriching discussions and debates. With a nod to the future, Ally will highlight IDFA's dedication to empowering upcoming filmmakers through the IDFA Academy and supporting purposeful projects via the IDFA-Bertha fund. Engage with the mastermind behind IDFA and understand the heart, vision, and passion that propels this global documentary phenomenon.