Brothers in the Buddha examines the personal life and challenge taken up by Michael, a seventeen-year-old Vietnamese-Canadian “novice” Buddhist monk. The documentary follows his life at the monastery, at his high school with other Canadian youth, and in his community. As we come to know Michael we also gain a sympathetic understanding of the religious tradition he is exploring and the community he stands within.
- Year2014
- Runtime70 minutes
- LanguageEnglish
- CountryCanada
- DirectorBeth Wishart MacKenzie
- ScreenwriterBeth Wishart MacKenzie
- ProducerBeth Wishart MacKenzie
- CastMichael Nguyen & Thay Phap Hoa
- CinematographerRichard Gustavsen
- EditorSarah Taylor
Brothers in the Buddha examines the personal life and challenge taken up by Michael, a seventeen-year-old Vietnamese-Canadian “novice” Buddhist monk. The documentary follows his life at the monastery, at his high school with other Canadian youth, and in his community. As we come to know Michael we also gain a sympathetic understanding of the religious tradition he is exploring and the community he stands within.
- Year2014
- Runtime70 minutes
- LanguageEnglish
- CountryCanada
- DirectorBeth Wishart MacKenzie
- ScreenwriterBeth Wishart MacKenzie
- ProducerBeth Wishart MacKenzie
- CastMichael Nguyen & Thay Phap Hoa
- CinematographerRichard Gustavsen
- EditorSarah Taylor