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THE PORTAL is an experiential documentary created as part of a bold, global vision to overcome the chronic levels of anxiety, depression, PTSD and trauma that we are facing today. This film speaks to the need of the time. It brings to life the stories of six people who overcame great adversity using stillness and mindfulness, inspiring the audience to follow in their footsteps and realize the unique potential that all humans have to change our world–from the inside out.

Supported by insights from three of the world’s foremost futurists and a robot the film unfolds as a beautiful, audiovisual spectacle that takes the viewer on their own mindfulness journey through the pain, joy and memory fragments of life.

Exploring a new way forward, this powerful film will change lives for the better by bringing peace and calm to a very stressed world. It will open hearts and minds to an exciting vision for humanity, transformed, inviting all 7 billion people to make an enlightened planet possible by entering THE PORTAL.

  • Year
  • Runtime
    86 minutes
  • Language
  • Country
    United States, Canada, Australia, Jordan
  • Director
    Jacqui Fifer
  • Screenwriter
    Tom Cronin, Jacqui Fifer
  • Producer
    Tom Cronin, Jacqui Fifer
  • Executive Producer
  • Cast
    Ron 'Booda' Taylor; Due Quach; Amandine Roche; Heather Hennessy; James R Doty; Ronnie Cahana; Daniel Schmachtenberger; Mikey Siegel; Julia Mossbridge
  • Cinematographer
    Dan Freene ACS
  • Editor
    Gary Woodyard, Amelia Ford
  • Composer
    Francois Tetaz
  • Sound Design
    Paul Pirola