PANEL: Gandhi, MLK, Mandela & Beyond: Is Nonviolence Evolving?

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How can we be guided by the pillars of nonviolence in the face of the pandemic, BLM and the election? Is the Nonviolence movement evolving?

Panelists include:

Rajmohan Gandhi (grandson of Mahatma Gandhi)

Erica Chenoweth (Harvard Kennedy School)

Clayborne Carson (MLK Institute, Stanford)

Michael Nagler (director of The Third Harmony, Metta Center for Nonviolence) 

Related content:

FILM: The Third Harmony: Nonviolence and Human Nature

REEL HEALING: Exploring Nonviolence As a State of Being | Marianne Williamson & Michael Nagler


Online Course: 30 Days of Nonviolence

Inspired and looking for a deeper dive? Discover the peacebuilding power that lives within you. This course will help you make nonviolence a meaningful part of your daily life. Produced by the Metta Center for Nonviolence

  • Year
  • Runtime
    64 minutes
  • Language
  • Country
    United States