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Interweaving the stories of four Iraq War veterans, Thank You for Your Service takes aim at the nation's crippled understanding of war trauma and failed policies designed to treat a national crisis. Reentry into civilian life presents difficult and varied challenges of PTSD, from survivor's guilt to moral dilemma. However, alternative modalities in Native American ceremonial rituals, inner peace derived from meditative practice and the tranquility brought by equine therapy bring these soldiers real healing. Listen to candid interviews of top military and civilian leaders, including Defense Secretary Robert Gates, Admiral Mike Mullen, Generals David Petraeus and Loree Sutton, Senator Patty Murray and Mayor Rudy Giuliani.

  • Year
  • Runtime
    101 minutes
  • Language
  • Country
    United States
  • Director
    Tom Donahue
  • Producer
    Tom Donahue, Ilan Arboleda, Matt Tyson
  • Executive Producer
    Gerals Sprayregan, Regina K. Scully
  • Co-Producer
    Jacques Levy
  • Cinematographer
    Peter Bolte, Justin Garcia
  • Editor
    Jill Schweitzer
  • Composer
    Leigh Roberts